Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Good War essays

The Good War essays The Good War, An Oral History of World War II, by Studs Turkel, is a compiliation of multiple accounts from servivors, on their personal experiences of the war. Each person with a differnt storie to tell; allowing for a very vivid description of the war, from various differnt perspectives, and points of view. In General, those who where not against the war from the beginning, found that the war had a significant and usually, suprisingly positive effect on them, and the rest of their lives. For the most part, those who went off to war, after the war, came back with a positeive outlook. Most of the American solders atlest, beleived that the war was either a major turning point in their life, was an exiting adventure, or tought them some kind of moral lesson that they carried with them throughout the rest of their life. What I find ironic is the fact that despite all the death and carnage that they were forced to view, that the majority of them were able to come back and say that it was the best experience of their lives, or that they wouldnt trade their war experience, for any thing in the world. I find it strange that a war can be one of the greatest things to happen to one in his/her lifetime. In contrast to that, young men who did not go off to the war, either becuase they were concientious objecters, or becuase of other reasons, had a negative view on the war. They believed that the war was wrong going in, and believed it was wrong when it was over. However, I dont believe that they can honestly say that it would have been best to have allowed Hitler to create his own empire at the expense of others, Just in order to prevent war. Yes, war is not a pretty thing, but at some point, it becomes inevidably inavoidable. Which brings me to my next point. Why did Studds Turkel choose to name this book The Good War? What Makes any war a Good War? Despite the fact that war itself is a hor...

Saturday, November 23, 2019


Lemurs Lemurs Madagascar is the fourth largest island. It is home to main different species of lemurs. They live in the dry woodlands and deserts. Lemurs have fox like faces and ring like tails. Twelve million people live in Madagascar and most of them are poor. Lemurs are threatened largely because their habitats are being destroyed. People in Madagascar cut down the rainforests and forests for wood and so they are able to farm. Deforestation is still threatening their survival today. Lemurs were named by early Europeans because of their shining eyes.Some characteristics that make lemurs primates are that they live in trees. Also primates have strong hands with long fingers and opposable thumbs that can grasp branches. Primate arms can move freely around the shoulder joint. This movement enables primates to swing from hand to hand while climbing. The eyes are positioned in the front of the face, allowing the primate to judge distances accurately.English: Ring-Tailed Lemurs at the Oakland Z oo.Primates have complex social behaviors and take very good care of their young for a long time after birth.Ring-tailed lemurs hold strong ground in southwest Madagascar. They are the size of a cat and have a highly developed sense of smell. These lemurs inhabit all the levels of the forest. Once an infant is three or four months old, they ride on their mother's back. Ring-tailed lemurs have the agility to climb trees. They have a distinctive shriek. Ring-tailed lemurs live in social groups, which include six males, eight females, four juveniles, and four babies. They have a scent gland on their wrists and chest thus they can mark where they have been.The sportive lemur has seven different species. It earned its name because when it is threatened, it puts its hands up like a boxer. These lemurs live on the...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The role of mean variance analysis in the area of portfolio management Essay

The role of mean variance analysis in the area of portfolio management - Essay Example It is therefore computed as the Variance of the returns: Var(R) = [R-E(R)]2 However, the importance of means and variances of assets are far more apparent in the construction and management of an investment portfolio. Essentially an investment portfolio is best understood simply as a combination of individual assets/investments that are held together by the investor at any point in time. But, the importance of risks and returns of individual assets is limited to the significance it has for the risk and return of the entire portfolio (Linter, 1965). It is how the portfolio performs that is the primary concern for the investor. Presumably, due to the additive property of means, the returns from the portfolio equal a simple weighted average of the returns on the individual securities that constitute the portfolio. We can calculate expected returns from a portfolio of investments as functions of probable returns from the portfolio given the probability distributional properties of the re turns or alternatively as weighted averages of expected returns of the individual returns. The weights on the expected returns for are simply the shares of wealth invested in each asset as a proportion of the total wealth invested on the portfolio (Markowitz, 1952). The variance of the portfolio however is less than the weighed average of the variances of the individual investments provided the returns to these investments are not independent, i.e., their correlation is not zero. Since the objective of creating a portfolio is to minimize risks through combining assets with correlated returns, the variance of the portfolio typically is smaller than the weighted average of the individual investment variances. The implication of this outcome is that risk can be lowered for any given return by diversifying the portfolio since the variance of the total portfolio includes additional covariance terms and more negatively related assets imply a smaller value for this term (Sharpe, 1964). For a portfolio with more than 2 assets, the portfolio risk is captured by the variance-covariance matrix of the returns of the portfolio. The investor’s problem is to maximize the expected returns from a portfolio for a given level of risk or alternatively minimizing the risk subject to a given expected portfolio return. This can be reformulated as a problem of choosing the weights on the individual assets to minimize the variance of the portfolio for a given expected return. The set of weights that ensure this comprises the efficient set. Theories of optimal portfolio selection are concerned with constructing the most optimal set of weights for individual assets that ensure maximal returns or minimize risk. Thus, the formulation is that of a constrained optimization problem where either the mean returns of the portfolio are the objective function and the variance serves as the constraint or vice-versa. Here in lies the importance of Mean-Variance analysis for portfolio managem ent. However, Mean-Variance analysis of portfolio management has the following drawbacks: Prudent investors may be concerned with more than just the mean and the variance of the distribution of returns. The mean and the variance are the first two moments of any distribution and if the returns of the portfolio follow a normal distribution, then it is fully characterized by just the first two mom

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Starbucks's finacial analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Starbucks's finacial analysis - Essay Example The cost of equity is calculated by the formula: Ce = Rf + (Em-Rf)*b, where The cost of debt of Starbucks is very low as the company has the vision to attain minimum debt. The amount of debt raised by Starbucks is very low. Due to the tax shield, the cost of debt of Starbucks is very low. The tax rate of Starbucks is 32.8%. The cost of equity and the cost of debt of Starbucks are multiplied respectively to the respective proportions of the debt and equity. The weighted cost of debt and weighted cost of equity are added to find the weighted average cost of capital (Yahoo finance, 2013). The weighted average cost of capital of Starbucks is 11.14%. The earnings before interest and taxes of Starbucks are about 15.7% of the total revenue in 2012. The earnings before interest and tax are the net earnings after operation before interest and taxes are paid (Baker and  Powell, 2009). The increase in EBIT over the last three years is depicted in the table given below. The FCF for Starbucks has been calculated below with the help of formula: Net Earnings before paying interest and tax * (1- tax rate) + Amortization and Depreciation – Net change in working capital – Capital Expenditure. The depreciation and amortization expense of the company consists of the expenses written off by the loss of valuation of its assets due to usage and part of the expenses due to repayment of the loans consisting of principal and interest payments. The depreciation and amortization of the company has increased by 5.56% from 2011 to 2012. The working capital of Starbucks is determined as the net of the current assets after meeting the current liabilities of the company to run its daily operations. The working capital of Starbucks has changed over the years which could be indicated by the trend of change in working capital over the years (Khan, 2004). The compounded annual growth rate

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Political Science Essay Example for Free

Political Science Essay P olitical science refers to the social science in relation with political institutions and with the principles and conduct of government. This means that political science is about studying the norms of the society and the government. In political science, you need to know what the society needs, how the government id functioning, how the government execute laws, how they render authority to the people, how the government is built, and many more. It is also the study of the state wherein you ought to know the condition and the capacity of the people and the nation that you authorize. It also includes the study of politics wherein you are required to observe how the people vote for their leaders, how the election is done, or has to be done, how the politicians campaign, and how they do politics in such way that they will be elected. Political science is a study of human and political behavior, all aspects of politics that contributed to the society. It analyzes the political systems that the government is carrying out. Political science converges with other fields like: * Economics, the science of production, distribution and the consumption of mankind and/or services, * Sociology, the study of development, origin, organizations and the functioning of human society, * Law, the regulations that needs to established in a society by the authority or the elected government officials, * Anthropology, the science of human and how they work, it deals with the physical and cultural development, characteristics and beliefs of the society, * Public administration, the fulfillment of public policies, * National politics, * International relations, dealing with the other nations, * Comparative politics. * Political organizations, * Political theories that have been observed throughout the exercises that the government have made and many more. There are three sub disciplines which together establish the field of political science: political philosophy, international relations, and comparative politics. Political philosophy is the study of such topics as politics, liberty, justice rights, laws, and enforcement of rules by the authority. It also observes the facts on how the government is made to be legitimate, the makings of the constitution, the rights and freedom of the humankind, how they should be all protected, the duties of the citizens and the rulers. International relations deal with the connection between nations. It studies the roles of the state, the inter-governmental organizations, international nongovernmental organizations, nongovernmental organizations and multinational corporations. It also analyzes and formulates foreign policies on particular states or countries. Comparative politics is the study of comparison and teaching different types of the constitution. It is actually the method that applies to study politics. Political science is all about the government. All the things that has to happen and will be happening in the future is the study of political science. It uses methods and techniques to compare and study the different inquiries like the primary sources of an historical documents and records. But what is government? Government is a ruler body of a nation, state, or community. It is consist of rulers like the law-makers or legislators, and administrations. It refers to the larger system by which any state is organized. There are also different types of government, depending on each state or attributes, like the following: a. Government with Aristarchic attributes are ruled by the best people in the society might be elite, or some educated citizen. The following are different terms of government with aristarchic attributes: * Aristocracy – a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the principal persons of the state. Comes from the word aristocrat, means the ruler of this government is an elite person. The ruler may be from different lines of descendant, not just only one. * Geniocracy is a form of government which was first proposed by Rael (leader of International Raelian Movement) which advises to use intelligence as criteria for regional governance. * Kratocracy – is a form of government ruled by a strong person who seized power among its society. * Meritocracy – is a form of government wherein the effectuation of the progress is based upon the intellectual talent of a group. * Technocracy – is a form of government where in professionals or experts in technology are appointed to rule and would be in control of decision making for the society. b. Governments with Autocratic attributes are ruled by dictators. The following are the forms of government with Autocratic attributes: * Authoritarian is a form of government wherein it is characterized by submission to authority as well as its admission. * Autocracy – is a system of government in which the ruling of the society is in the hands of one person. His decisions may be subjected to neither external legal restraint nor regularized mechanisms of popular control. This is a government where in one ruler has unlimited power. * Despotism – is a form of government wherein the supremacy is through threats of punishments and violence. It doesn’t require for a single leader, it may be ruled by a group, not like autocracy. * Fascism – is a form of government focuses on nationalism. The rulers may do things illegal which doesn’t relate to patriotism. It recognizes the presence of class conflict and proposes a resolution to end the divisions of classes within the nation. * Totalitarian – is a form of government in which the political authority exercises absolute and centralized control. The state under totalitarianism regulates every realm of life. c. Governments with democratic attributes are ruled by the person who has been voted by the society thinking he is fit for governing the state. The following are the form of government with democratic attributes: * Democracy – is a form of government which uses the power of the people to vote for their leaders. It is a political system in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens, might be elite or servants, who can elect people to represent them. * Direct democracy – is a form of government in which people represent themselves and selecting new laws directly. * Representative democracy – is a form of government in which people elects representatives to propose new rules and regulations, or new laws that is needed to be implemented in the society. It is also known as a republic. It is an element of parliamentary and presidential system in the government. Usually, the head of the state is a president. * Social democracy – is a form of government wherein it focuses on the citizens social rights. It speaks of the public services like education, medical care, workers rights, employees compensations, child and elderly care, and many more. It considers itself to be form of reformist democratic socialism. d. Governments with monarchic attributes are ruled by a king or a queen who have inherited their position from their ancestors. The following are the forms of government with monarchic attributes: * Absolute monarchy – is a form of government wherein the monarch utilizes supreme governing authority as the head of the government. It uses total power over the land and its citizens. * Constitutional monarchy – is a form of government wherein the ruler is the monarch (a nations ruler by hereditary right), but his powers are limited because the government has constitution to follow. * Elective monarchy – is a form of government in which the monarchy is elected, not the traditional way in which the ruler is from a hereditary monarchy. * Emirate – is the domain controlled by an emir. Emir is an independent ruler of the Muslim state * Monarchy – is a form of government in which a monarch, who inherited the authority from their family, embodies the sovereignty. e.Governments with oligarchic attributes are ruled by a very influential person. * Bureaucracy – is a form of government with non-elective government officials. It is consists of many bureaus and administrators. The government administrators are the ones who decide on the legislature or the democratically-elected representation of the state. * Ergatocracy – is a form of government in which the ruler is a proletariat. Proletariat is a social class comprising those who do manual labor and wages. Most of them are rebel and activists that controls the society and create an alternative economy for the people. * Kritarchy – is a form of government wherein the ruler is the judge. * Netocracy – is a form of government ruled by social connections. * Oligarchy – is a form of government ruled by a few people. These groups of people have the same interest. They can be identified by their royalty, financial conditions, professions, family ties, corporate or military control. * Plutocracy – is a form of government ruled by the wealthy people. Any form of governments that are listed here can be in a form of plutocracy if the rulers are all rich. * Stratocracy – is a form of government in which people with military service can govern the state or the society. * Timocracy – is a form of government ruled by honorable citizens of the society. * Theocracy – is a form of government or a political unit governed by a deity or by officials thought to be divinely guided. f. Governments with pejorative attributes are ruled by groups or forms of other governments. The following are the forms of government with pejorative attribute: * Bankocracy – is a form of government wherein the system of the governance is influenced by banks on public policy-making. * Corporatocracy – is a form of government wherein it is ruled by the corporation and the economics and political system is controlled by businessmen or business firms. * Nepotocracy – is a system of governance in which the power is given to a family member, mostly to the nephew. * Kakistocracy – is a form of government wherein the least qualified citizens are the rulers of the society. This type of government resulted in a uniformly stupid society barren of intellectual governance. * Kleptocracy (mafia state) – is a form of government wherein the system of governance are ruled by thieves and corrupts. * Ochlocracy – is a form of government ruled by the public. g. Governments with speculative attributes are as follows: * Magocracy – is a form of government wherein the highest and main authority might be a magician or wizard, sorcerer, or witch. * Uniocracy – is a form of government wherein the government is ruled by the singularity or the uniqueness of all human minds. h. Governments with socio-economic attributes are political systems experiencing movements in power. The following are the forms of the government with socio-economic attributes: * Capitalism – capitalists economy are the people who owns their own business privately * Communism – communist societies wherein people own corporate businesses like farms. * Feudalism – is a system of land ownerships, reforms, and duties. * Socialism – these are government who provides education, welfare, and medical support * Welfare state – is a system of governance wherein they focus on giving the citizens of the society the education, medical services, and the protection of their social well-being that they need. As these different forms of government shows, political science is the study of government states and other political systems. It includes the studies of political ideology, economy, philosophy, the norms of politics, and analysis. Political science is very broad; it has so many subfields and subsidiaries. The government in the study of political science depends on the culture and the constitution of every society. http://en. m. wikipedia. org/wiki/Political_science http://en. m. wikipedia. org/wiki/Government https://www. apsanet. orgLcontent_9181. cfm http://www. bartleby. com/60/192. html.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Avatars Will Replace Faces And Profiles :: Internet Net World Wide Web Media

I never thought when I started blogging that I would receive over fifty thousand views from one website alone. That is a big compliment for an old guy that lives in Brooklyn. I guess whatever I have to say must be stimulating. The lack of comments that I and most other male writers receive is not a sign of poor writing only a sign that women are not interested in a mans individuality or creative ability. I have seen many extremely boring and frivolous articles written by women receive over fifteen compliments. It is obvious that they are coming from lady friends that haven?t the talent to say anything more than ?Very Interesting?. Or ?I love it?. Most websites are dominated by groups of women that support one another. They are called ?Communities? by their directors. I call them ?Cabalas?. Fortunately I can gain popularity without joining any of them. The thousands of views I have received shows that I can stand alone. If I needed the support of groupies to be read, it would be t ime for me to stop writing and go fishing. I would like to remedy the situation and give the floor to those writers that really have something interesting to say but that is impossible. Popularity of the writer not the quality of what is written has always been the rule. A successful writer has to cater to the crowd. If a person chooses to read articles only by writers in their ethnic group nobody can interfere with their choice. Not all people are groupies and many of them are very fair. Their individuality deserves my respect. There is no way to appreciate or understand an article better than when it is written by an author who is represented by an avatar. Without a clue to the identity of the writer the reader is forced to pass judgment only on what is written. This poses no problem for a person that possesses the ability to analyze what is read. But for the groupie an article that does not identify the author creates a state of terror for them, because they must know the identity of the writer. Some groupies only feel comfortable reading an article written by a certain gender. Others demand to know the religion or racial group of the author before reading the article. These groupies by their practice censor the independent writer who attempts to approach a subject fairly.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Effects Of Scientific Discoveries And Darwin’s Theories To Thomas Hardy’s: “Hap”

The poem will be interpreted that the agony of the writer will diminish only if he will identify someone who is the source of all the agony that he suffered. He was looking for somebody to blame for his shortcomings, agonies, pains, and suffering (Davidson). The presence of somebody in existence will be beneficial to him so that he can blame and point to it all the antagonism shaped by all the pain that he experience (â€Å"Thomas Hardy (1840-1928)†). But frustrations set in for him.He was unable to find out somebody that existed to blame after (â€Å"Hap†). He was not able to prove that there is someone that controlled all the possibilities that happened to his life. Later on, he only said that all was a product of unplanned possibilities. Just like he was only tripped. Accidental possibility is liable for his agony was the focus of the poem and there is no scientific reason behind everything that is happening to one’s life. Just like Jesus Christ, he exists in the minds of many people but his biological proof is not yet clear.The church created him as super natural being but in fact he never existed. Centuries had passed but no one can justify that he indeed existed. It was all a product of stories that was passed through generations. Stories that later on became factual in the beliefs of people. It is only a myth that had eventually developed like a principle or a law that is unbreakable through time. A principle or a law that can be acceptable even we are already in the information age.This mindset is opposite to the idea of biological theory that all things came from something, evolved and develop through time. And not just a single possibility that we keep on believing although we know that it is not true. Darwin’s Theory was a product of science that is more believable than legends (â€Å"Charles Darwin†). It is a result of biological evolution with scientific basis. Scientific basis that is more reliable than methodolo gical or logical basis.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Toll Roads

One day my mother an I were driving to one of my football games. When we were about to arrive there was a little toll booth that read, â€Å"Two Dollars†. We couldn’t find any money so we decided to run it. The fine was fifty dollars. I believe we should take out toll roads because they can cause a lot of conflict with people. One reason why we should take out toll roads is because they can cause traffic. People have jobs and may have to take toll roads to get to them.Say a man is looking for money in his wallet, it may take a while and hold up people behind him. Many people will be late for work and may lose their jobs. Another reason why is because thousands of people in California are unemployed. Usually toll roads are two dollars, but it can vary. People don’t have much money do be paying for toll roads especially if you have to use one daily. You can buy a card but that leads to my next reason.If someone is leaving their house in a hurry they can forget thei r wallet which would either contain money or their toll pass. When they reach the toll road they would probably have to run it. Then they get a fine. This can cause much conflict with people. Many people may say that people work hard on the roads and they get a satisfying drive. But if you don’t have money or forget your toll pass then you’ll be in trouble. I believe that we should take out toll roads.

Friday, November 8, 2019

College Summit The Joys of Surprise and Making a Difference (and Even the Travails of a Norovirus)

College Summit The Joys of Surprise and Making a Difference (and Even the Travails of a Norovirus) I recently heard Anthony Robbins say that as long as you have your attention on other people, and as long as you are making a difference for others, there is no way you can possibly be depressed. He is so right. This past week, despite contracting a norovirus that gave me serious gastrointestinal distress as well as flu-like symptoms, I was in as good a mood as I’ve been in in a long time. Why? I was making a difference for a group of low-income high school students at College Summit, a national program that supports young leaders to create a culture where kids go to college. I’m like a proud mother when it comes to the small group of four â€Å"peer leaders† I worked with in Berkeley. Every one of them surprised me in their own way. Let me kvell just a little (names are changed for confidentiality)! Keylon Keylon wrote his first two â€Å"free writing† exercises about topics like his relationships with girls and how he was going to find one that would make him be the man he wants to be. I feared he was bland and would not identify a relevant topic for his college admissions essay. On a break, however, he shared his real story- a story about abuse and how he turned to destructive behaviors and friends to compensate for his pain. It was also the story of how he changed direction, in part through a music program that saved his life. Keylon’s story surprised me when it came forth, and so did how industrious and focused a student he was. When I gave him questions to answer in writing, he sat down and didn’t stop until he was done. And when it came time to edit his essay, he was able to devise seamless transitions where they had been missing, and to cut out excess words without my even pointing out the spots where he could do so. Keylon says he wants to be a singer, and perhaps he will succeed. But I wouldn’t be surprised if he finds his stride as an editor! Keylon was also a great sport when we got realistic with him about his college choices. His top choices were out of his reach, and he needed to consider community college options. He adjusted course without protest or external upset. We could all learn a thing or two from this young man about acceptance and adaptation. Jaquon Jaquon had a sweetness to him and a clear, passionate life purpose under his non-plussed attitude. On the first day, he slumped down in his chair, hood over head, clearly not 100% enthusiastic about being asked to write †¦ anything. His first free write was not about much, and I had to remind him multiple times over the 10-minute time period to keep writing. Initially he would not volunteer to answer a question and would only participate if I called on him directly (though he always had something great to say when I did). Jacquon’s second free write was the big surprise. A saxophone player, he hit on the theme of music, and I’m telling you, it was pure poetry. He called music a â€Å"20-20 all access path†¦Ã¢â‚¬  and spoke about his purpose in life being to connect with people off all cultures through his gift. This goal was not just a pipe dream; Jacquon has already performed both in concert halls and on the street in the U.S. and abroad. Jacquon mentioned in his essay that he gets nervous when playing only because he is afraid people won’t connect with his music. When I asked him what it would be like for him if they didn’t connect with his music, his answer popped out: â€Å"It would be like I don’t exist.† An excerpt: â€Å"[I] put my all into every breath, note and melodic phrase so that whoever hears that will feel my passion, my struggle, my story, and my dreams.† That’s a man with a life purpose. A purpose, when not fulfilled, that makes him feel like he doesn’t exist. If only every one of us had one so clear. Rodrigo Rodrigo was my volleyball captain. He was a meticulous, methodical worker who edited himself as he wrote. The core story that emerged from Rodrigo’s free writes was about his father, who recently started working as a janitor in Rodrigo’s school. Although Rodrigo had weathered various insults as a volleyball captain for being short and young, he had a thick skin- until the insults started being aimed toward his father. Rodrigo wrote about how his father had taught him to stay positive and not judge others, and how ultimately he used what his father had taught him to rise above his anger toward his insulting classmates. Another thing that came out of Rodrigo’s writing was that he liked to make up words and had a penchant for metaphor. In one of his last drafts, his creativity emerged in a surprise conclusion: â€Å"I’m like a volleyball. You may kick me, push me around, hit me, or abandon me, but in the end I’m still persevering and surviving the ugliest actions against me.† Talisha Eager to participate and answer questions, Talisha was fast out of the gate but as the writing process went on, she somehow found a way to look like she was working when she really was spinning her wheels. I gave her what I thought were clear questions and instructions and she would nod and put her pen to paper, but 10 minutes later she would not have made progress. In my mind, we finally reached a growth point when Talisha realized that growing up as the middle of two sisters and taking care of both of them gave her management skills that have helped her in her production design projects at school. I’m not sure I’ll ever see the essay she writes on this topic though, since she only saw this connection for herself literally at the last hour. Really the biggest surprise from Talisha was what she told me at the end of the program: that I helped her learn things about herself that she might never have known- not just on the last day, but from the time we started doing free writing exercises. And all that time I thought she was refusing to let me make a difference for her. Brenda As I mentioned, there was a norovirus that went around and knocked out almost every one of the writing coaches in the program for some period of time. I barely made it through my part of the Saturday night banquet presentations- but it was worth it to hear Rodrigo say in front of the entire program, â€Å"Your joyous, encouraging, and gentle nature brought us to fully understand how and what to write †¦ [and] created a bond within our group that will never be forgotten. I will definitely not forget the experience I had with these motivated leaders from the East Bay. And I will be back next year.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Trilogy Standards

Trilogy Standards The Trilogy StandardsAbstractThe changes to the trilogy standards which comprise of AASB 1018 'Statement of Financial Performance", AASB 1034, "Financial Report Presentations and Disclosures" and AASB 1040 "Statement of Financial Position" created confusion within the accounting profession and business community. The changes were designed for the purposes of international harmonisation and for a paradigm of change away from the profit and loss approach. Many of the issues that arose are being addressed by Exposure Drafts and a emphasis on making the disclosures relevant and reliable is a key issue for the profession. This assignment covers the changes that took place, it looks at the response to the changes and is supported by evidence resulting from a study of the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) and Ernst and Young (EY). The relevance and reliability issue as in the Statement of Accounting Concepts (SAC) 3: has created debate over whether the trilogy standards meet such requirements.Graphique du bilan de la Wikimedia Foundation / Gr...The overall concern is eliminating the misinterpretation and confusion caused so the financial information is both relevant and reliable.IntroductionThe current AASB 1018 'Statement of Financial Performance" was issued in October 1999, along with two other presentation and disclosure standards, AASB 1034, "Financial Report Presentations and Disclosures" and AASB 1040 "Statement of Financial Position". These three standards became generally known as "the trilogy" and were first pertinent for 30 June 2001 year-ends. The introduction of the trilogy was the largest change to the presentation of financial reports in Australia in recent times with the balance sheet and profit and loss account being replaced with a Statement of Financial Position and Statement of Financial Performance. The two main reasons behind the change are the international harmonisation program and the move towards a balance-sheet emphasis. After the first year of...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Electronic Surveillance of Employees Research Paper

Electronic Surveillance of Employees - Research Paper Example This research will begin with the statement that to keep personal confidential information of a person intact and should not be disclosed to any other irrelevant person shall come under the purview of Privacy. The disclosure of such information may cause emotional distress to a person whose information is kept in confidence. In order to monitor the activities of a person or place to detect discreet activities through electronic devices like cameras, video cameras, tape recorders, microphones, and wiretaps come under the category of surveillance through electronic means. The identified instruments can be utilized in a competent court of law as evidence against violators. Multinational Corporations and corporations of repute use electronic surveillance system to ensure foolproof security and safety within their administrative jurisdiction. An employee can expect privacy at least in those places where hidden cameras or microphones are not fitted such as kitchen, dining room, washroom, s moking corner or petty stationary stores. Employees should know what is permissible and what is not permissible for them in accordance with employer’s privacy policy. Initially, the employer and the employee must have signed the document of the privacy policy to be complied in letter and spirit by the stakeholders. In fact, the employee has given the liberty or the rights to monitor his/her activities whether his/her activities are purely professional or personal. Non-compliance with privacy policy surely invites the displeasure of the management. In the United States of America, Electronic Communication Privacy Act (ECPA) 1986 has given the rights to the employers to monitor job-related conversations of its employees. By virtue of this act, employers enjoy complete freedom to listen incoming and outgoing calls. It hardly takes a minute or two to decide whether the calls so received or dispatched are personal or job related. With this freedom employer can measure the employee ’s sincerity and integrity with the company besides his/her professional competence. The prerogative to differentiate the incoming and outgoing calls of employees still lies with the employer and not with the employee (Lyon, 1994). 2- In this modern age and time, one cannot deny the benefits of technological advancement to prevent any unpleasant situation. By dint of computer technology, it is easy to monitor the activities of any employee by the employer at his/her workplace even at a remote location. Many of the employers allow their employees to have an access on the social sites of Internet. To keep the company environment friendly, the employer should provide space at work place for a chat where one can not disturb him or their conversation may not come out of the space to invite others attention (Mishra & Crampton, 1998). This will definitely improve the performance of a company since unnecessary strictness on the employees may have an adverse impact on their job relate d activities. We cannot deny the fact that â€Å"Happy laborers work more†.  

Friday, November 1, 2019

The decline of women's rights in the Muslim world Essay

The decline of women's rights in the Muslim world - Essay Example Certainly, the world has seen the latter of the two in the news more than the predominantly peaceful observers of the religion. One of the most questionable practices of Islam is the requiring of women to cover their bodies head to toe as to not attract a man’s attention, thus causing him to break one of Allah’s laws. This practice is most usually not just done to behave in a religiously moral manner, but has actually become mandatory by law in many Islamic countries. Women who do not practice this tradition are often punished harshly. Similarly, the Islamic forms of government enforce the death penalty on women who have, in their eyes, committed adultery. The punishment for this can include the horrific and agonizing practice of being stoned to death. With this, the extremists of Islam who have managed to reform governments into Islamic practices and enforcement with a desire to make an example of anyone who contradicts the Islamic way and its government. The government-supported Islamic regimes do not allow for any sort of deviation or differing opinion in regards to faith. Today, marriage within the Islamic faith is solidified by a contract. Though the marriage contract stipulates the need for an exchange of good treatment between a husband and wife, the governments which make Islamic principle law allow for few rights of woman and total right to men. It is also not unheard of for a woman who has committed adultery to be sent away to what are known as ‘rape camps’. Within the past few years, groups like Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, have declared rape a war crime and certainly the hosting of rape camps. One of the perks to being male and Islamic is the acceptance of polygamy. Men in Islam can have multiple wives, but the inverse is not true. Additionally, the Islamic faith encourages along the extremely