English class essay
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Reincarnation Essays - Pseudoscience, Reincarnation Research
Rebirth Rebirth has been the discussion for a great many years. The accounts state when the Christian Master (Jesus) asked Whom state the individuals that I am?, One addressed Jesus was John the Baptist returned. It was notable by at that point John the Baptist had been beheaded some time before. Others said He was viewed as the rebirth both of Elias or of Jerimias. They both had been dead for quite a long time. This shows how well known the subject was at that point, likewise among the Romans, Greeks, Egyptians, Irish, and Indians on the American landmasses, in when religion didn't yield of the faith in rebirth. Jesus never precluded reality from securing resurrection (Cooper introduction. v-vi). Before, it has been an extremely dubious issue and will keep on be generally discussed. Notwithstanding, resurrection is the way in to our very presence and reality to life. Resurrection is the methods by which hosts of developing lives, of all degrees of advancement, are carried into relationship with developing physical types of all degrees of complexity(Cooper 14). The essential conviction is that the spirit can't be resurrected into the body of a creature. People are not reawakened straightforwardly after they pass on either(Cooper 20-21). As indicated by Irving S. Cooper, in previous existences we have been horrendously enduring on the grounds that we were energetic, persistent, and on occasion unfeeling. Be that as it may, after numerous hundreds of years we started to stop wrong-doing. We have developed through contact with the individuals around us, the guideline of the law, and through the weight of physical being its self(Cooper 16). There are numerous complaints and sensible contentions to the subject of rebirth. One of the complaints being: progress can be accomplished by people without coming back to this planet(Cooper 48-51). A few of the sensible contentions are: one life on earth is futile in a great many cases, it makes the accomplishment of flawlessness attainable(Cooper 59-78). There is anyway more straightforward data that favors the faith in resurrection. Since we can't recall our previous existences, it is highly unlikely of knowing whether we truth be told lived them. Nonetheless, the initial three or four years of our current life have been completely shut out of our memory. We realize we more likely than not been alive and cognizant then since we are alive and still, small voice today. We don't have any individual evidence of the circumstance to the extent memory goes. All subtleties have too been overlooked. In those three to four years as well as more as of late also, for example, prior today. The mind lets us overlook a lot of detail. For model: we are mindful so as not to place our fingers into bubbling water. Why? Not on the grounds that we have committed the error as of late but since numerous years back before we can recall that, we endured agonizingly when we tossed our fingers into the bubbling water. It needed to have caused such a loathsome torment in light of our present caution(Cooper 80-83). There are numerous verifications to rebirth. Sense can coherently clarified by rebirth. Another conceived chick, simply brought forth from the egg, runs for its wellbeing when it sees the shadow of a bird of prey effortlessness over the ground. The experience from past lifetimes lets the infant chick escape from risk instinctively(Cooper 85). It is said that when a kid takes to a certain intrigue, similar to music, it is as far as anyone knows a sign that in a previous existence, they were artists. This is likewise evident when a youngster gets a handle on certain guidance rapidly. Maternal sense is as a rule found in young ladies and now and again in young men. A youngster playing with dolls is no doubt reviewing recollections of a real maternal experience from a past life(Cooper 85). Rebirth can likewise be utilized to clarify numerous in any case unexplainable things, for example, the accompanying: * Ability/ Ability Each individual has a specific ability that they have an excellent capacity for normally. Normally this is an ability that has tied over from numerous lives. In request to keep an ability in working request, it must be encouraged. On the off chance that we don't use it in one life and let our chances sneak past, at that point in the following life we are disabled by physical failure however still have the longing for the talent(Cooper 88). * Bad habit or Virtue The voice of inner voice is actually the memory of past choices concerning good and bad. A rough individual has little inner voice since his past experience has been pretty much nothing. Criminal guardians can not prevent temperance from being uncovered in a kid neither one of the goods guardians shield awful from sneaking into their children(Cooper 89). * Genius isn't brought about by heredity or
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Niccolo Machiavelli Essay Example for Free
Niccolo Machiavelli Essay Niccolo Machiavelli was a political rationalist of the Renaissance. He lived from 1496-1527. Niccolo Machiavelli was likewise a well known painter in his time. He painted numerous acclaimed artistic creations that are found in galleries, books, and numerous different spots. He was likewise associated with government for a mind-blowing duration. Niccolo Machiavelli was a painter, political thinker, Italian student of history, a legislator for affected numerous political pioneers in Europe. Niccolo Machiavelli drove an extremely political life. In 1494, Niccolo Machiavelli turned into a significant representative. He invested the vast majority of his energy throughout the years composing history, political way of thinking, and plays. The Renaissance was a period of political clash. Niccolo participated in strategic missions through France, Germany, and Italy. In later years, he had to retirement of the political business. Machiavelli was known as the â€Å"father of present day political theory†. Niccolo Machiavelli had numerous political works. A significant number of Machiavelli’s works reflected policy centered issues. He expounded on his general surroundings and his life in the Renaissance. He saw numerous adjustments in the earth and expounded on them. Niccolo Machiavelli thought of one political treatise titled The Prince. The Prince was composed during a period of catastrophe in the Renaissance. Numerous things Machiavelli expounded on needed to manage legislative issues and brutality. The Prince was written in 1513. In spite of the fact that it was composed at that point, it was distributed anyway until 1532 and Machiavelli’s passing. The subject of this book is about safeguarding of power and its foundation. On account of The Prince, Machiavelli is viewed as one of the best early present day analyzers of the political force. In 1498, Machiavelli filled in as a government worker in Florence. Later in 1512, Machiavelli was detained and the republic fizzled. Machiavelli had numerous occupations over his lifetime. He was the leader of the second chancery in 1498. Niccolo was likewise the secretary of chamber and he contemplated political strategies. He additionally contemplated the quality of a country with just a single ruler. In 1509, Machiavelli drove a little armed force to free Pisa. Later in his life, for a long time he filled in as a historiographer. Niccolo Machiavelli had difficult situations throughout his life. He lost his place in governmental issues and especially needed it back. At the point when he composed The Prince, he composed it to attempt to recapture bias by Medici. At long last, Medici didn’t concur with what Machiavelli said in The Prince and wound up dismissing Machiavelli’s proposition to have that activity back. Machiavelli likewise composed a book titled â€Å"Discourses On Livy†. The book was on Machiavelli’s full political way of thinking. Niccolo likewise composed a memoir on the Life of Castruccio Castracani. He composed numerous plays and furthermore numerous sonnets. His most acclaimed sonnet was The Mandrake. The Mandrake was written in 1524. Machiavelli additionally composed the History of Florence in 1525. The History of Florence tells about accounts of the city. Machiavelli likewise composed the Art of the War in 1521. That book depicts hired fighter troops and their lives. Niccolo Machiavelli was a beneficial pioneer. Over the entirety of his disasters that occurred in his life, he still conquered every last bit of it. He buckled down delivering plays that have gotten renowned throughout the years. He composed The Prince, which is a very much populated piece today. In addition to the fact that Machiavelli produced plays he composed sonnets and memoirs for individuals. A large number of his statements that he resighted in The Prince are still recalled today and utilized extraordinarily. He was likewise a huge political pioneer and went far in government.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Google Detection Of Click Fraud - An Insight Review
Google Detection Of Click Fraud - An Insight Review Make Money Online Queries? Struggling To Get Traffic To Your Blog? Sign Up On (HBB) Forum Now!Google Detection Of Click Fraud An Insight ReviewUpdated On 13/07/2017Author : sudharsanTopic : GoogleShort URL : https://hbb.me/2sRvb3E CONNECT WITH HBB ON SOCIAL MEDIA Follow @HellBoundBlogAs you all know Google is Banning several Adsense accounts and making more restrictions in approving new accounts because of rapid increase of fraud clicks especially in south Asian countries like India, Pakistan and China. Do you know how Google detects click fraud of the publishers ?? There are several ways Google uses to track our account. Well discuss about the Popular ways of detection here.Advertiser and Publishers : As we all know that Advertiser display ads in your website and you will be payed if anyone clicks on advertiser links, as a result advertiser will be gained regarding his product (or) websiteSo Advertisers have full rights to monitor click pattern of their Ads displayed in your webs ite if they notice abnormal click pattern, they will report to Google about the issue.This is the initial and origin point where Google rocket science begins.Ip-address Each and every computer connected to internet has a dynamic IP Address, if the Adsense sign-in IP Address and Ad clicks of your own website is same for repeated number of times (Google allow accidential click of their own ads) this is the peak time to Forget Adsense and look for Alternatives ??Cookies Tracing : As you all know very well that cookies is a little bit of scripts, stored by a website in users computer to monitor their activities. Your click patterns can be watched by Google using these cookies.READUse Google Alerts To Track Links To Your BlogSome Hackers will use Gzapper to block Google cookies and click their ads by using powerful proxies. I recommend those genius hackers to read the next step below !!MAC-address : Internet is connected through a device called Network card (or) LAN card. In 2nd layer of LAN card there exists a sub-layer called Media Access Control (MAC) which governs the data communication between system and network.It has a Globally unique address like IMEI number of Mobile phones. Google Keeps the Record of MAC Address of publishers where the account sign-up, if they notice Ads click from that MAC address of publishers, then no one can stop your account from banning.A sample MAC address 00-19-D1-28-CF-BFTip You can know your MAC address via command promptGeo-location of IP-address Though every computer has a dynamic and different IP-address, there is a particular allocation set of IP-address will be used for a particular region.If more number of click comes from a particular set (region) of IP-address mainly from new blogs, then you may have chance to get your account banned.Different Click pattern : 1. There are lot of difference between manual click and click performed by automated bots. There are lot of factors like time, date etc. They play a vital role in this method.2. If you have large amount of direct visitors with poor SEO i.e., not visible in search engines mainly in Google.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Speech Rhetorical Analysis - 879 Words
To many people, President Lyndon Baines Johnson is memorized for being earnest, sympathetic, generous, self-sacrificing, and devoted to the American people; however, to others he was recalled as tyrannical, brutal, and selfish. Even as a young boy, he had inner monsters that would later affect his presidency. Johnson had an emptiness that he had a need to fill- whether from companionship, work, attention, or – most of all - approval. His neediness led to his always wanting to be the best at everything. Above all, he wanted desperately to leave a legacy to the American people of being the president who took civil rights further than anyone had, and who won the war on poverty. One of the effective methods he used to persuade others to his way of thinking was through his use of rhetorical device in his speeches. On March 15, 1965, a week after deadly racial violence had erupted in Selma, Alabama, where African-Americans were attacked by police while preparing for the march to M ontgomery to protest voting rights discrimination - which would later be known as Bloody Sunday because of the number of people injured - Johnson addressed Congress, calling for immediate passage of the Voting Rights Act. The act outlawed discriminatory voting laws that kept blacks off the voting toll. The Voting Rights Act was not Johnson’s only attempt to bring equality to the â€Å"colored.†He hoped that his Elementary and Secondary Education Act and Higher Education Act would help children get out ofShow MoreRelatedClintons Speech Rhetorical Analysis1613 Words  | 7 PagesZach Sabo Ms. Jessica English Class 5 November 2012 Women’s Right Are Human Rights: A Rhetorical Analysis Several decades ago, the global women’s rights treaty was ratified by a majority of the world’s nation. Despite its many successes in advancing and empowering women in relation to women’s rights, poverty, decision-making, violence against women, and other numerous issues actually still exist in all aspects of women’s life. Therefore, the 4th World Conference on Women with its uniqueRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of Commencement Speech1092 Words  | 5 PagesCommencement Speech Rhetorical Analysis Renowned astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, a popular face on NOVA documentaries and TV talk shows, is famous for his Morgan Freeman-like chronicles of the universe and all of its intricacies. So it’s no surprise when he is invited to the University of Massachusetts at Amherst to give a commencement address to the graduating class of 2015. Dr. Tyson hopes to inspire a new generation of lifelong learners to change the world by discussing a variety of globalRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of Michelle Obamas Speech900 Words  | 4 Pages A Rhetorical Analysis of Michelle Obama’s 2016 DNC Speech At the 2016 Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, Michelle Obama the first lady at the time, was endorsing the democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton. Using her personal connection with the president and Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama creates a more personal speech. With her credibility as first lady, use of her family and her platform she lead as first lady, she persuades the audience to spread Hillary Clinton’s campaign messageRead MoreThe Speech To The Virginia Convention Rhetorical Analysis883 Words  | 4 PagesRhetorical Analysis of Henry Outline Introduction Attention getter- Thesis- The rhetorical devices in the Speech to the Virginia Convention by Patrick Henry is very effective. 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He frames his speech as a case study and not a story, which emphasizes the purpose of the speech as a learning opportunity for the audience –I don’t want to tell you a story. I want to make a case. I want to make a hard-headed, evidence-basedRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of Pattons Speech1547 Words  | 7 PagesMilitary general for the United States army, George S. Patton in his speech, â€Å"Speech to the Third Army†motivates troops to be prepared to fight for D-Day. According to the National D-day Memorial website, America was fighting Nazi-Germany in World War II, on this day America and on D-day theother allied countries were going to invade Germany with over 150,000 men. Patton was the Army Ggeneral whothat grew up in a military based family, and he was known to be brutal and strict and sometimes evenRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of Obamas Speech742 Words  | 3 Pages In his speech, â€Å"Remarks by the President in a National Address to America’s Schoolchildren,†Obama effectively argues his claim, that kids should go to school and try very hard to succeed to schoolchildren around the U.S. He effectively argues his claim because he uses supporti ng details and stories of students that have undergone tough situations, but still overcame those obstacles to succeed and school. Also, he is trying to tell kids that they should do well in school to get a good job and makeRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of Obama Speech941 Words  | 4 Pageslearning some of their language, and attempting to make them feel as if they are equals. He began his speech with the Greek terms, â€Å"Yias sas! Kalispera!†This phrase translates to â€Å"Hello, good evening!†This speech was a praise to democracy, reminding people of its birthplace, Greece. The idea of Democracy, or Demokratia, emerged twenty-five centuries ago giving the people the right to rule. This speech is also directed towards young adults, and having the freedom to share their ideas and control their
Thursday, May 14, 2020
My Memories Of My Life - 861 Words
Our life is full of joy and interesting like a garden filled with a variety of flowers that gave colorful, contentment and comfort. Sometimes we felt like a donut that there is a hole in the middle, tasteless, no filling that gave as challenge in our lives. One day, my happiest moment in my life, when I was started as a freshmen student, I handled myself with a red that full of love and passion. And talked to my new classmates with joy of yellow like a sunflower. Build with strong foundation that no one can break that is my aim to have a friend. I thought my day in school started with white like a paper without ink. But is like a rainbow that make you smile when you look at it. A Thirteen-year-old, my parents tough as a responsible†¦show more content†¦talked†¦ laughed... laughed... it’s different when you are home†¦ â€Å"Sigh†talked to my self, I know next day I need to back went to school. But I treasure every day the time that spent with them. In the following day, I got up early, rain still poured that makes road muddy, missy like a chocolate. Mamma and Papa called me, Maribel, come on over here, I replied, yes Mom, handed a money, she said, budget it wisely, don’t bought that is not necessary, I said yes Mom and thank you. Words that comes our in my father mouth is that â€Å"I don’t want to heard that you got a boyfriend, it will destroy you, you went to school to get education not have a boyfriend. I replied quickly†¦ no†¦ no†¦ I will not do that†¦ I saw my Papa’s face worried and fear like a sunflower turned leaves to brown and some are black. Trust I never seen in his face. Ayo†¦. Ayo†¦ ( screamed, anybody home). I opened the door, clokkk†¦. â€Å"Helen says†, are you ready? Yea I am†¦. I rushed picked up my bagpack and let my Mama ,Papa and siblings that I’m leaved. We walked. walked.. talked.. talked, and start to laughed to look our foot filled with brown sticky and slummy tasteless chocolate.. Never bother me. Along the road, there is a house, there flowers in their front yard started to bloomed. I sat in the shade looked at the flowers, sunflowers and daisies filled of joy and respect; no worries when orchids made you smile that start to bloom. I felt relieved, I want to stay and kept looked at the flowers. ButShow MoreRelatedMy Memories Of My Life941 Words  | 4 Pagesthree different environments over the course of my epic childhood. All of these places, in my mind, are all very unique and have their own special memory inside of my mind. Today, I will describe the three place I have lived over my life so far and the main components that made them specia l to me; such as family and the home I lived in. My birthplace and the first place I experienced living was in a town called Mount Pleasant, South Carolina. My memories of this place are very limited since I only livedRead MoreMy Memories Of My Life1431 Words  | 6 PagesIn Memory Of my Livelihood.. I never quite had the perfect childhood. My friends have memories of playing, laughing, riding bikes, and family road trips. I don t have any of those memories. My most vivid memories from childhood are of red and blue police lights flashing in my eyes. I also recall memories of smoke and liquor. When I was 8 years old, my mother disappeared. Later I learned that she was dead. My Mom was always involved with the wrong crowd, including gang members, drug addicts, andRead MoreMy Memories Of My Life962 Words  | 4 Pageswhat I remember of my life is tainted with a glistening, crude feeling that overwhelms all my senses. My memories are filled with fondness, but, at the same time, underneath, in the core, is an unimaginable feeling that cannot be described by any other words than a shadowy torment. It was not immediate, and I have not experienced it my entire life, but all that I remember of my life is filled with it. It is a pain so twisting, so cruel, that it has unraveled my entire life. My life did not start outRead MoreMy Memories Of My Life894 Words  | 4 PagesHappy Memory in My Life People have a lot of events occurring in their life. May be sad or happy events, and these events will never forget. It is difficult to keep the life without sadness events. People as much as possible try to remember the good events and forget the bad events. I skipped all bad events and I just remembered happy events. In my happy memory I will explain about my daughter first holy communion. There are a lot of things that I did to prepare for my daughter first holy communionRead MoreMy Memories Of My Life876 Words  | 4 Pagesbehind the trees beyond the left field wall. I dug my cleats into the dirt inside the batters box until I felt grounded and secure. Looking down I touched each corner of the plate with my bat as I had done so many times before. Slowly, I lifted my head and initiated the stare down with the pitcher, focusing on the position of his throwing hand preparing myself for the same sequence I had experienced a thousand times. Over my left shoulder, I could hear my coach voice his last words of encouragement andRead MoreMy Memories Of My Life927 Words  | 4 Pages I wasn’t always ready for the camera, even though my parents couldn’t seem to stop taking pictures of me. Today, I am still being bombarded with a barrage of photographs whenever something in the least bit exciting happens. I am not very fond of being in them them, mainly because I prefer not to have my face on every post that my mother puts onto Facebook. I still have tons of photos though; I’d rather spend my time doing something else however. On the other hand, I have to go rummaging throughRead MoreMy Memories Of My Life Essay1740 Words  | 7 PagesMy grandpa showed me that life is too short and to always be there for family no matter what happens. Death is really hard to get over for a lot of people. Most people look shocked and don’t have anything to talk about afterward. When I was six years old I lost a special person in my life. The feeling of losing a loved one is very hard to get through. The day I found out that my grandpa had died it was one of the saddest moments in my life. It hurt me because I miss him so much since he passed awayRead MoreMy Memories Of My Life1431 Words  | 6 PagesIn Memory Of my Livelihood.. I never quite had the perfect childhood. My friends have memories of playing, laughing, riding bikes, and family road trips. I don t have any of those memories. My most vivid memories from childhood are of red and blue police lights flashing in my eyes. I also recall memories of smoke and liquor. When I was 8 years old, my mother disappeared. Later I learned that she was dead. My Mom was always involved with the wrong crowd, including gang members, drug addicts, andRead MoreMy Memories Of My Life2295 Words  | 10 PagesAs a child growing up, some of my earliest memories were my mother taking us to church every Sunday. It was a traditional type of Church that didn t believe in the gifts of the Spirit, let alone God speaking through dreams. Even though the gifts or ministry of the Spirit was not discussed in Church, even as a child, I had a knowing that God speaks through dreams. As a youth, I turned away from the things of God until I was 24 years of age. After continuously running, I finally surrendered to GodRead MoreMy Memories Of My Life Essay976 Words  | 4 Pagesthe worst. My father was my softball coach growing up. Constantly being reminded that failure was not the option was what always kept me going until my world got turned upside down. This quote by Mary Pickford is kind of what my whole life has been about, â€Å"This thing that we call â€Å"failure†is not the falling down, but the staying down.†Throughout my life I’ve had my fair share of failures and achievements but getting up and moving on is what got me where I am. I learned that having my dad in the
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Methods Of The Feasibility Study On Net Present Value Essay
Methods of the feasibility study. Net present value We will determine the viability of the investment using the Net present value method. It will also help to estimate the costs that will be incurred in the future and the benefits that business will get. We choose this method because it shows actual benefits and takes into consideration time value of money ( Baker and Powell, 2000) PV = FV/ (1+r) n PV- present value, FV- future value in n periods, r-expected rate of return. Cost /benefit Analysis Total cost of ownership Since the venture is related to technology, we will use Total Cost of Ownership method to determine the costs that are incurred in the venture. This will help us to come up with estimates on costs for; capital required, licensing fees, labor costs, technology advancement skills, operational costs and other costs related to the business. However, this business will bring both intangible and tangible benefits to the company. This benefits are; 1. Since it will involve technology in service delivery, there will reduced costs such as the cost of labor. 2. More revenue will be generated. 3. Time saving SWOT ANALYSIS OF HOME AUTOAMATION TECHNOLOGY Strengths †¢ There will be a wide market as many people are ready to use this technology since it saves time. †¢ Technology is readily available and can be easily adapted. †¢ Home automation technology ensure availability of products which are unique, therefore it will attract attention of many people who likeShow MoreRelatedSap for Atlam1706 Words  | 7 Pageshigher than ACCPAC. Analysis of the issues Zulkifli had decided to perform a feasibility study or business case which is prepared during the systems analysis. There are five important aspects to be considered during a feasibility study that consist of economic feasibility, technical feasibility, legal feasibility, scheduling feasibility and operational feasibility. Economic feasibility is defined as the dimension of feasibility concerned with whether the benefits of a proposed system will exceed theRead MoreCase of the Proposed Jiminy Peak Wind Turbine Essay1573 Words  | 7 Pagescommonly used methods of financial analysis are payback and present value. Payback determines the length of time for an investment to return its original cost (1). Using the assumptions stated below the payback of the Jiminy Nick wind turbine with a cost of about $3.3 million would return the investment in about four years time. Net present value summarizes the initial cost of an investment, the estimated annual cash flows, and expected salvage value, taking into account the time value of money (1)Read MoreFinancial Feasibility14542 Words  | 59 PagesKK INDUSTRIES FEASIBILITY STUDY A STUDY TO ASSESS THE FINANCIAL FEASIBILITY OF SETTING UP A PLASTIC FOOD CONTAINER PLANT BY KK INDUSTRIES, BANGALORE SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF BACHELOR OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT DEGREE COURSE OF BANGALORE UNIVERSITY By M R KAUSHIK Reg. No. 08KXC08077 Under The Guidance of Mrs. Mini K Abraham HOD – COMMERCE SURANA COLLEGE OF ARTS, SCIENCE, COMMERCE AND MANAGEMENT South End Road Bangalore – 560004 2010 – 11 SURANA COLLEGE 1 Read MoreThe System Of Data Science School System1271 Words  | 6 Pagespreferably face to face over written documentation. Agile Methodologies also emphasises working software as a primary measure of progress. Combined with face to face communications. Agile methods produce very little written documentation relative to other methods 3. Systems Requirements Based on the case study, the system requirements are as follows: 3.1Functional Requirements The official definition of the functional requirements is that it essentially â€Å"specifies what the system should do†. Read MoreThe Wealth Of Waste : The Economics Waste Water1372 Words  | 6 Pagesdemand but also the ideal solutions with related examples and possible hindrances. The execution and outline of the book was impressive, with the first chapters dealing with the adverse affects of water shortage, then the solution of water treatment , methods and the existing examples (Mexico and Spain) (Winpenny et al., 2010). Summarising the book, Authors have started with some interesting figures about the available resources of water and the consumption for human activities which clearly indicatesRead MoreA Research Study On Water Heating1374 Words  | 6 PagesWater heating accounts for (20-30%) share out of total residential electricity consumption in urban areas. Economical and financial factors are the most important barriers followed by market availability for penetration of solar water heater [5]. A study has been conducted to find out determining factors behind adoption of various solar energy technologies: solar photovoltaic and solar thermal options, collecting data from 296 respondents from Chennai. It has been found that scarcity for electricityRead MoreFeasiblity3871 Words  | 16 PagesInformation Systems Analysis and Design CSC340 VI. The Feasibility Study What is a feasibility study? What to study and conclude? Benefits and costs Cost/Benefit analysis Accounting methods Comparing alternatives Do it! 2002 Jaelson Castro and John Mylopoulos The Feasibility Study -- 1 Information Systems Analysis and Design CSC340 The Feasibility Study Phase n The objectives of a feasibility study are to find out if an information system project can be done (...is it possibleRead MoreNova Western Case Study856 Words  | 4 PagesQuestion 1 Both methods have their advantages and limitations. The divergence is mainly caused by the fact that the methods used in the case were insufficient to decide on the attractiveness of the projects. Moreover, as described in the chapter concerning the situation of pharmaceutical companies, more specific subcriteria could be used to make the scoring model more accurate. Finally, Nova Western should develop an enhanced screening model to take into account both methods and some additionalRead MoreAn Electronic Health Record System Essay814 Words  | 4 Pageslook closely at a cost-benefit analysis of an electronic medical record in an ambulatory primary care setting to get a better understanding of all the factors involved. The study was published in The American Journal of Medicine. The data was gathered from several internal medicine clinics. The primary goal was to measure net finical costs or benefits per provider during a comprehensive 5-year period. System costs and induced costs are the two types of cost associated with EMR implementation.Read MoreFeasibility Report on Artificial Hair Business9671 Words  | 39 Pagesthis extent, many ladies now wear wigs or add artificial hair to their natural hair so as to increase its length. The production of artificial hair however is yet to be a wide spread phenomenon in the different states of the country, hence , this study seek to provide an insight into the production and processing of artificial hair as well as opportunities for prospective investors. 1.1 JUSTIFICATION OF THE PROJECT The main justification for the project is the ready availability of market for the
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Customers Cerate Loyalty Among Them As Wellâ€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Customers Cerate Loyalty Among Them As Well? Answer: Introduction The Chinese luxury fashion sector is flourishing consistently and it has contributed to the growth in economy of the country as well. The Chinese luxury fashion companies have maintained a positive brand image, which is the actual view of the customers about that particular fashion brand. The organizations within the Chinese luxury fashion industry have created various unique associations among the consumers minds to influence their buying behaviors. It increases a positive perception of customers about the products and services offered by the organizations and the brand image can also help to create a positive emotional value. Maintaining a positive brand image can create good perception about the products and services among the customers minds as well as allow them to understand the vision and mission of the organization with ease and effectiveness (Fernie Sparks , 2014). A positive image of the luxury fashion brand is created by developing an image, slogan that can state the orga nizations vision and support the key values of the organization effectively. The brand equity or value is the benefits offered by the company in the form of products and services. The companies can maintain good brand value if the products and services meet the needs and preferences of customers and ensure keeping them satisfied as a whole (Caniato et al., 2014). By offering luxury fashion products and services that can fulfill the demands and preferences of the customers it will be easy for the organization within the Chinese luxury fashion industry to create a positive mindset among the customers and ensure that they remain loyal customers all throughout. The Chinese luxury fashion sector has managed to maintain positive brand image and provided products that created brand equity by making those memorable, differentiable from other companys products and superior in terms of quality and reliability. This has automatically resulted in attracting large numbers of customers and retain ed the existing customers too, thereby increasing the sales revenue and profit level in business with ease and efficiency (Diamond, Diamond Litt, 2015). Research background In the present century, one of the biggest challenges faced by the organizations within the Chinese luxury fashion sector is to develop a strong brand image and relationship with the customers for gaining competitive advantage in business effectively. Maintaining a positive brand image has always helped in creating a positive effect on the consumer perception regarding the brand and loyalty of customers too. Loyalty among the customers towards a particular product or service of a brand can be seen as the major aspect of marketing by the luxury fashion companies in China (Caniato et al., 2012). The loyalty factors also comprise of various elements that can act as success indicators for the company. Creating awareness among the customers about the products and services can create strong customer hold as well as enhance their loyalty about the brand products through generation of better income, increased market share and accomplishment of business goals and objectives in an effective an d reliable way. It is quite evident that the loyalty of customers can be generated when they are satisfied with the quality of products and services delivered to them by the luxury fashion company (Malik et al., 2012). Fulfilling the needs and requirements of the customers is thus essential for building a positive brand image, value and enhance the positive perception among the minds of consumers. The background of the research has focused on how the brand image, value and perception among customers regarding the brand products and services can create loyalty among the customers with ease and effectiveness (Zhang, 2015). Purpose of research The purpose of the research is to evaluate the various findings of the research and understand how brand image, value and perception can create impact on the consumer loyalty within the Chinese luxury fashion industry. It is true that the satisfaction of consumers can be generated when their needs and requirements are fulfilled after buying the luxury fashion products offered by the Chinese companies. The consumer satisfaction enables to find the comparison between the expected results and perceptions of experiences. If the demands and expectations of the customers are fulfilled, then they will be satisfied (Kapferer, 2012). The obtaining of consumer loyalty is one of the major objectives of the customer relationship management and can help in determining the loyalty between the customers and organizations along with the products and services offered. To develop customer loyalty, it is important to target the individual segments of market and provide products and services according t o the demands and preferences of theirs in each of the market segments (Severi Ling, 2013). This would not only build customer loyalty but would also make the customers ask for more and visit the company on a consistent basis as their buying behaviors would be influenced with the companys strong brand image, value offered and good quality products that were offered. Thus, the main purpose of conducting the research is to determine the impact created by brand image, value and perception of customers on creating positive attitude and behaviors among them and make them loyal customers who can purchase the products of the company on a consistent basis (Tu, Wang Chang, 2012). Problem of the research The research tends to bring positive outcomes, but there are certain areas that lacked certain aspects and can even create problems. Due to this, the research has been conducted to analyse these issues and determine how brand image and value can create positive impact on the luxury fashion sector of China. The brand value and image of many brands within this industry of China have deteriorated and has even led to the downfall of many businesses. The growth and development in business have been fluctuating from time to time, which has created further complexities while conducting business effectively (Malik et al., 2013). It has been seen that though the wealthy Chinese families are considered as major drivers of growth for the luxury brands, still the rising Chinese middle class families with lesser incomes have become increasing consumer segments and have become the subject of attention for many brands. Due to this, the Chinese luxury fashion sector has experienced lesser growth in business and the profit levels are less compared to the companies that offer products at affordable costs. The intellectual property issues include use of trademarks, copyrights and patents by other companies and this has created major issues for the luxury fashion organizations, whose success depend on the perception of brand (Mazodier Merunka, 2012). The bigger the brand is, the more there are counterfeits that not only deteriorate the brand image but cerates positive mindset among the customers. The costs of products, i.e., the luxury fashion and apparel products are quite high, which are convenient for the VIP customers rather than the normal people present in the various market segments. Research rationale The rationale of the research is similar to the problem of the research and it illustrates about the various issues and problems, because of which a strong and positive brand image, value and perception shall be created for attracting customers and keep them satisfied with the kinds of products and services delivered. It is not only an effective marketing approach to influence the buying behaviors of consumers but also will help in making them loyal customers, who will come back to make purchases again from the company, rather than from any other organization within the luxury fashion sector in China. Few of the problems include intellectual property issues, high prices of products, etc (Horng et al., 2012). The intellectual property problems arise when the patents, copyrights and trademarks are violated and even used by other companies within the Chinese luxury fashions sector to enhance its reputation, brand image and increase its customer base. Thought it cannot be said that the l oyalty of consumers depends on the brand image, value and perception of consumers only, rather there are various other factors too such as consumer buying behaviors, satisfaction resulted from fulfillment of their needs and requirements, marketing activities managed by the organization, etc (Shah et al., 2012). The rationale of the research presents the various issues and problems that are faced along with the probable outcomes that may be generated by conducting the research in a fruitful manner. It is also seen that the lack of positive perception of customers and absence of a positive brand image can also lead to various issues, as the customers may be unable to differentiate the products of the company from other companies. With the help of a strong brand image, value and perception of customers, the attitudes and behaviors of consumers towards the brand will change positively and this will further allow them to become aware of the brand and easily distinguish the brand products from the products of any other company within the Chinese luxury fashion industry (Kim Ko, 2012). Aim of research The actual aim of the research is to analyse the effects of brand image, value and perception on the loyalty of customers with the consideration of the Chinese luxury fashion sector. Research objectives To identify the various factors that can create an impact on the consumer loyalty within the Chinese luxury fashion sector To evaluate the extent to which brand image can impact on the loyalty of customers within the Chinese luxury fashion sector To assess the probable impacts created by maintaining good brand value and brand perception on the consumer loyalty To recommend necessary measures for improving the efficiency of the factor that can create the most impact on the consumer loyalty in context of the Chinese luxury fashion sector Research hypothesis H0: The brand image, value and perception of consumers can create no such probable impact o the loyalty of the customers within the Chinese luxury fashion industry H1: The image of a brand, its value offered and perception of consumers can create positive impact on the company by creating loyal customers who will purchase the products of the brand consistently (Caniato et al., 2014). Research structure The introductory chapter comprises of the actual concept of the research including the background of research, problems faced during the research, research rationale, goals or aims of the research along with the research objectives and questions developed according to the set of objectives provided. The literature review chapter illustrates the various concepts of brand image, value and perception of customers in the form of dependent and independent variables. The independent variable here is the loyalty of customers, which is dependent upon the brand image and value and also on the perception of customers (Caniato et al., 2012). Thus, the independent variable here is customer loyalty and the dependent variable is the brand image, value and perception of the customers. The methodology of research is done for ensuring that the research is done properly and good outcomes are derived as well. The philosophy of research, approaches followed along with the research strategy and designs have been also included in the dissertation. The ways of collecting and analysing data will also be illustrated in the dissertation while proper ethics are maintained too. The limitations will show how the research outcomes have been hindered due to certain reasons and furthermore ensure that all the research aspects are covered properly (Zhang, 2015). The analysis of data will be done for checking the responses of customers and even the qualitative data that has been gathered from the managers of the business organization within the Chinese luxury fashion sector. The conclusion chapter will illustrate about the various findings of the research and ensure that the objectives are properly linked with the research outcomes. The values and ethics maintained along with the research limitations have also been illustrated here in this research dissertation (Kapferer, 2012). The reflective part consists of the things that I have learned while conducting the research. The various research aspects that will be obtained during this research will help in progressing in my personal as well as professional career with ease and effectiveness. The research was done for determining the positive effects created by a positive brand image, values and perception of customer regarding the products and services offered by the brand on the loyalty of customers. This chapter would present the outcomes of the research with the help of combining the various important components and ensure that all the objectives presented above could fulfill the criteria and requirements of the research with ease and effectiveness. The image of a brand can influence the loyalty of customers positively and even enhance the level of commitment of consumers. The brand must hold a certain degree of relevance to create an impact on the products offered in the Chinese luxury fashion sector and the organization itself. The brand image must be good so as to deliver products that can be differentiated from the products offered by the companies in the market. The company possessing a strong brand image and name can also attract more customers and retain the existing ones too by influencing their behaviors to make purchases from that company rather than from anywhere else. From the literature, it could be understood that for many years, people had been quite satisfied with the good quality luxury items delivered by the Chinese luxury fashion sector. Luxury is something that is much more than just fulfillment of needs and preferences of customers. The luxurious things denote a sense of aristocracy and leading a rich life t han the normal people within the fashion sector of China. However, the prices of luxury items are quite high when compared to the normal products and services delivered. A positive brand image is created when the companies have managed to fulfill all the demands and preferences of customers and the products and services are related to the history, identity and uniqueness of the brand within this sector. The literature review also explained that the wealth, high status and high-class life of theirs have been shown off with the help of buying the luxury fashion products. Brand image is related to the awareness of brand and both these have been considered as major sources of establishing brand equity. Positive brand image has been created with the help of developing an unique and strong brand association with the emotions of consumers regarding the brand through various marketing campaigns and programs. Knowledge of the brand within the Chinese luxury fashion sector must be built for u nderstanding whether the customers would be able to provide a positive response to the branding campaign or approach. When customers would know about the brand and gain a positive image, then the company might no longer need to spend high amounts of money for the extension of the brand though higher sales revenue would be achieved. Luxury is some kind of exclusiveness that differentiates the brand offerings from the other brands within the Chinese luxury fashion sector. A good brand can create high awareness among the customers as well as generate perceived quality through retention of sales and gaining of consumer loyalty with ease and effectiveness. The values offered by the brand can also led to the formation of brand equity and this can even make the customers spend more money for the luxury items. Various things are considered for developing a string brand image and identity like performing of functions as designed by the brand, social image associated with the purchasing and owning of the brand, balance between value of brand and functionalities and consumers trusting the brand and becoming loyal customers due to the good quality luxury items delivered by the company. However, from various findings of the data analysis, it could be seen that brand image, value and perception had significant impact on the loyalty of customers; still the loyalty and trust of customers could be gained depending upon their satisfaction and consumer buying behaviors or decisions. The brand offerings must have some distinguishable features as well so that the customers would be able to know the uniqueness of the brand and become loyal customers. F rom the literature, it could be understood that brand image could be enhanced with the help of maintaining uniqueness of the brand logo, features and graphical styles that had been associated with the brand. On the other hand, the brand value is the various forms of actions related to the customers of the luxury brand, channel members and the parent company that had been considered as major elements of the brand to remain successful and competitive within the business environment, furthermore cerate loyalty among customers and more sales revenue generation too. Therefore, it could be understood that the objectives have been linked with the literature that showed that the independent variables i.e., consumer loyalty are dependent upon the strong brand image, value offered and perception of consumers. To evaluate the extent to which brand image can impact on the loyalty of customers within the Chinese luxury fashion sector Brand image is an essential component for becoming successful within the business environment nowadays. It is important for a particular brand within the Chinese luxury fashion industry to ensure that proper brand value is provided to the customers and a good perception of customers regarding the brand products and services. A multidisciplinary approach has been followed by combining the owned, earned and paid media within the effective coordinated, digital ecosystem, social and public relations for creating a string brand image with ease and efficiency. To develop a string brand image, it is important to identify the key audiences, determine the business goals and objectives that are needed to be achieved, define the brand persona, develop key messages that are to be transferred to individuals and furthermore market the products and services properly to the market segments comprising of the luxury fashion customers. As soon as a proper brand image is established, it is necessary to solidify the brand image by managing the marketing and promotional activities to create loyal customers and furthermore generate more sales in business. The major aspects of promoting a luxury brand within the Chinese luxury fashion sector on a wider scale include management of public relations, developing the content and use of social media for sharing and exchange of data and information effectively. The management of public relations can help in distributing the key messages of the brand and spread the news and information related to the luxury brand products in online blogs, articles, trade publications and news outlets. This would allow the company to position itself within the business environment easily and furthermore improve the brand image and awareness among the customers. This would also create a positive mindset among the customers, as they would understand that the company had successfully provided its efforts to make them aware of the brand offerings. It had been foun d from the literature and analysis of data that developing content could help in driving the integrated public relations and manage the digital marketing activities properly. This would not only enhance the brand image and value offered, but might also deliver good amounts of articles, blogs and other rich contents for targeting the customers and influence their buying behaviors easily. Nowadays, the introduction of internet and social media has created enough scopes and opportunities for the Chinese luxury fashion sector to reach a wider group of audience and share information and messages relaxant to the industry to the customers and further influence their buying behaviors. A robust social media approach could not only enhance the traffic within the web site but would create a positive image among the customers, both new and the existing ones within the luxury fashion customer segments in China. By creating a strong brand image and identity, it would be easy to reveal the unique value proposition and obtain competitive advantage in business as well. By maintaining a string brand image, the companies within the Chinese luxury fashion industry would be able to reflect their voice and messages related to the offerings of the brand through management of social interaction. This would also I improve the experiences of customers towards the company through visual featu res like use of logos, color schemes, brand design, etc., which might even enhance the ability to increase brand awareness and loyalty among the customers efficiently. The impact of social media involvement is huge and it can leverage the acquisition of links and share buttons to create a positive mindset among the customers and influence their buying behaviors so that they visit the company repeatedly for making purchases effectively. To develop a strong image needs proper quality luxury products delivered to the customers along with the assessment and monitoring of recent trends and competitors in the market. Developing a strong brand image can also help to maintain consistency of brand messaging and obtain feedbacks of customers too to know the areas where necessary changes and improvements should be done for fulfilling their demands and preferences and create positive mindset among them. Thus, the analysis of the study suggests that there is significant relationship among consumer loyalty, brand image, brand perception and brand value. It is seen that regression analysis shows that each of the variables, can explain 35% of the variable, which means that brand image, brand perception, and brand value has significant impact on the consumer loyalty. The brand image is one of the major factors, which will determine the repeat purchasing of the consumers. China is one of the global economies in the market and the economic growth of the country is rapid. China is predicted to grow even further due to their advanced technology and economic stability in the market. As the country has people with high disposable income, the market for the luxury products is relatively high and niche marketing has lead to the development of the luxury goods sector. China is the country in the Asian market, which is showing the highest growth, which determines that, the growth of the luxury goo ds in the China market have increased significantly. This has resulted in the increase in the foreign direct investment in China and more number of companies are making use of this opportunity to expand their business in the Chinese market. The buying behaviour of the consumer is affected by the image of the brand, the perception of the consumers about the brand and the value of the brand. The consumers have high disposable income will not compromise with the quality of the product and prefer buying products from the different brands. The consumer buying decision consists of a process, which include five stages that affect the decision-making procedure of the consumers. The social media has influenced the buying behaviour of the consumers by providing information regarding famous brands. The social media has made everything very transparent and has created a two-way communication channel, which has helped the organization in understanding the needs of the consumers. Therefore, most of the buyers in the Chinese market follow different brands on the social media to get information regarding the various products, which is generating an influence on the buying behaviour of the consumers. It is seen that majority of the cons umers are very much conscious about the brand image. The consumer creates its own value about a specific brand and the consumer experience will determine whether they will become loyal to a brand or not. The consumers who are intrigued by the brand image and value will become a loyal consumer of the brand. The organizations in this industry try to provide the consumers with a product with a unique selling proposition. The perception of the consumers regarding this proposition will determine whether they will become a loyal consumer of the particular brand. The consumer buying decision starts with the generation of need and the specification of the product will determine whether the product is mitigating all the requirements of the consumers. The consumer will always try to make weigh all their options before making a purchase and at that time, the image of the brand is a major criteria for buying a product. Most of the brands in the market are providing the consumers with similar products so the value of the image of the brand will determine which product a consumer will choose. The analysis of the report suggests that there is a strong correlation among the variables used in the research. This means that the brand image will have an impact on the brand image, brand perception, and vic e versa. Thus, we can say that when a consumer recognizes the image of a brand, it will acknowledge the value of the brand respectively. However, the advent of ecommerce has made most of the physical store as redundant so the organization will have to make use of the online media to sell their premium products in the market. The companies will have to change their strategy and will have to incorporate the image of the brand as an important part of the business model of the organizations. Thus from the analysis of the report it can be said that there is significant of the brand image on the level of consumer loyalty. The regression analysis and the ANOVA (Analysis of variance) shows that the brand image, brand value and brand perception is able define the consumer loyalty. The consumers who prefer a particular brand will always remain loyal to the brand and it easy to retain these consumers as their switching power is relatively high. Thus, the organization maintaining a good image of their respective brand will able to retain their consumers which in turn will help in gaining competitive advantage in the market. However, the findings suggest that brand image is bale to explain only 35% of the overall customer loyalty, which means that there are other significant aspects, which will have an impact on the loyalty of the consumers. Thus, the organization will have to include all those factor in to their business model so that the organizations are able to maintain their sustainability in the market. Thus, the market of the luxury goods in China seems promising and the companies in the market can use innovative strategies to capture the share in the market. However, only the image of the brand will not help to improve the repeat purchase of the product and there are other factor such as consumer satisfaction and uniqueness of the product, which will provide an organization with an competitive advantage in the market. Recommendations Thus, it is recommended that the companies in the Chinese market should make use of their brand image to grab the attention of the consumers in the luxury goods segment. However, the companies will have to make use of the social media platform to make improvements in their image. The consumers tend to follow their specific brands on the social media platforms so companies will have to make sure that the companies are able to generate more value from the point of view of the consumers. The companies can use innovative ideas to change the perception of the consumers about a particular product, which will help in affecting the buying behaviour of the consumers. The consumer satisfaction is another important point, which will influence the repeat purchasing of the consumers. Therefore, the level of satisfaction the consumer achieves will determine the repeat purchase of the product so the companies will have to make sure that the brand image of the organization is able to incorporate the customer satisfaction as a key factor. The companies in the market should keep in mind that brand image, brand perception and brand value are strongly correlated so impact on one factor will affect the other factor in the market. The overall production process will determine the value of the brand and so the companies in the market will have to make sure that they add value to their products at different stages so that they can create a high value of the brand. This will improve the image of the brand and perception of the consumers about a product will change. This will help in retaining the existing consumers and acquire potential consumers in the market. The findings of the research has been able to validate the existing theories and so the companies in the market will have to make sure that they make use of the consumer buying behaviour decision process to identify the perception of the consumers about the product. It is also recommended that the companies in the Chinese market should make use of the aggressive promot ion strategy to penetrate more in to the market so that they can further penetrate the market segment. The companies must use online promotional strategy so that they are able to reach a wide variety of consumers. The companies should conduct surveys and road shows to identify the value of the brand, which will help in understanding the perspective of the consumers. This will help in determining strategies for making progress in creating a better brand image of their respective companies. There is stiff competition in the luxury goods market in China so the companies will have to make sure that they address the need recognition of the consumer otherwise the brand image will not be sufficient in revenue generation. The companies will have to make improvements in the customer experience by understanding the different personality types. Various consumers have different personas so it the duty of the organization to understand the perspective of each of the consumer personas to make imp rovements in their experience. The consumers are looking for products, which will define their very existence so the companies will make sure that the existing strategies will portray an image that will attract all the consumers who love to use luxury products. Thus, it is seen that relying solely on the image of the brand will not be enough for any organization in gaining competitive advantage in the market. Thus, equal importance will have to be given to various factors, which will help in influencing the loyalty of the consumers. Self Reflection This is a research, which has helped me in gaining significant knowledge in the field of brand image, brand perception, brand value and customer loyalty. The literature review of the various authors has helped me to understand of the perspective of the various authors who have different perspectives about brand image and the customer loyalty. The contradictions of the study have helped me to identify the gap the research. I have gained significant knowledge about the perception of the consumers regarding the image of the brand. This has helped me to identify the role of an manager in an organization and how they can use different strategies to generate more revenue and fulfil the needs of the stakeholders. This is will me in future when I take the responsibility of being a manager in any organization. I have very limited knowledge about the Chinese luxury goods market but II have been able to gain an in depth knowledge about the various factors in the market and the perspective of th e consumers. I have no idea that how image of the brand will affect the loyalty of the consumers but I have gained knowledge about the various marketing concepts. I had limited knowledge about writing an dissertation but now i have gained significant amount of knowledge which I can use later on in other similar research papers. I took great amount of time in formulating the objective of the study, as it was very difficult to identify the objective of the study I am conducting. I had no clear concept about the methodology of the research and I took a great time in understanding the methods that need to be use to validate the existing theories. The formulation of the hypothesis has also been challenging for me, as I have no idea for the generation of the hypothesis. I have gained significant knowledge about the tools that have been used for analysis of the primary data that has been collected. I have gained knowledge about the various statistical methods such as correlation, regressio n and ANOVA, which I can use later on in other assignments for generating the analysis. I had no idea that brand image, perception and value has this much significance in affecting the loyalty of the consumer. However, the analysis of my research shows that the only 35% of the variable can be explained with the help of the independent variables in the market. I have able to validate all the existing theories, which has been mentioned by the various authors. I have understood that brand image help an organization help an organization to expand their business and improve their share in their market. During the commencement of the project, I have faced a large number of complex challenges. The collection of the primary data and the secondary data for the analysis of the project was tough. The identification of the journals and papers, which are relevant for the development of the project, was tough. The primary data has been collected by conducting surveys and interviews. It was tough to get feedbacks from the consumers. The selection of the research philosophy was also ha rd as the most suitable philosophy was to be selected. I have gained significant knowledge about the deductive and the inductive approach of the research, which helped me understand that deductive approach will validate the existing theories where as the inductive approach, will create new theories. the linking of the objectives with that of the findings and the conclusion has been tough for me. However, I have been able to overcome this challenge by understanding the significance of the data and researching the other factors, which could have an effect on the loyalty of the consumers. Thus, I was able to link the objective of the research with that of the conclusion and recommendations. I was able to overcome all the challenges I faced with the help of the internet, which consist of similar journals. The objective of the study was the basis, which helped me to progress in the research paper. The research question that I have formulated helped me in developing close-ended surveys and questionnaires for collection of the data. I have also been able to identify the gap in the research, which suggests that there are other factors, which can be used to make impact on the consumer loyalty. There are certain factors that cannot be explained with the dependent variables of the research so there are certain factors that have to be taken in to consideration for making changes in the strategies of the organization. However, this research can be used as a reference for conducting similar experiments as the reliability and validity of the project is high. This mean that the tools used in this study will be able to generate similar results for similar research topics in this fiel d. However, while conducting this study I have made sure that the ethical aspect of the project has been maintained. I have kept the data of the consumers confidential and none of the participants was forced to take part in the experiment. I have able to generate an overview of the luxury goods market and have been able to link it with the image of the brand that has generated valuable insight for the project. The recommendations that I have produced will help all the companies in the Chinese and the companies who are trying to make an entry in to market to make changes in the strategies to make improvements in the image, perception and the value of the brand. Thus, I can conclude by saying that this research paper has provided me with a learning experience, which I could have never been, able to obtain by studying the theories. 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